Monday, 7 February 2011


Just a flying visit today to say that I managed to leave enough time for a photo before work! I'm feeling pretty rubbish at the moment and can't seem to motivate myself to do any of the cleaning or organising I should be doing, let along complex pattern adjustments on my trousers. My 2 hours on Saturday are as much as I've managed.
My trusty woolen skirt, wool tights and knitted top gave me a comfy and cozy outfit and once I'd added some frivolous heels I looked as though I'd made an effort. Skirts make it so easy to dress up without trying!
Then I added a shapeless cardie and looked like I wanted to be back in bed!
I'm hoping I can get round to tidying and cleaning this week and spend the weekend doing some sewing. I want my motivation back!


  1. I love your jumper, great combination with the skirt. Know how you feel, wanna stay in bed too!

  2. Hope you get your inner Anthea working soon - in te meantime you look lovely. That knitted top is so pretty :)

  3. Yesterday was supposed to be the day in the year when more people throw sickies than on any other. February is a bit of a 'meh' month on the whole. Hope you get your go back soon!

  4. I feel the same glummness too. You are not alone :) Nice skirt :)

  5. Yesterday was meh and today is even more meh, roll on spring!

  6. I know just how you feel :S Thanks for finding the time to post to cheer us other miseries up! x

  7. I concurr with the 'meh-ness'! I thinkk we are all feeling it at the moment!
    BUT my, you have a lovely outfit there! That skirt looks gorgeous with the knitted top. xx
